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SELECT p.filepath AS pFilepath, p.filename AS pFilename, p.aid AS pAid, p.filesize AS pFilesize, p.title AS pTitle, p.caption AS pCaption, p.owner_name AS pOwner_name, p.owner_id as pOwnerId, p.ctime AS pCtime, p.hits AS pHits, p.pid AS pPid, p.pic_rating AS pPic_Rating, p.votes AS pVotes, p.pwidth AS pWidth, p.pheight AS pHeight, p.user1 as pUser1, p.user2 as pUser2, p.user3 as pUser3, p.user4 as pUser4, c.cid as cCid, c.name as cName, c.description as cDescription, c.pos as cPos, c.parent as cParent, c.thumb as cThumb, a.aid AS aAid, a.title AS aTitle, a.description AS aDescription, a.visibility as aVisibility, a.pos as aPos, a.category as aCategory, a.thumb as aThumb, a.keyword as aKeyword FROM cpg_pictures AS p LEFT JOIN cpg_albums AS a ON p.aid = a.aid LEFT JOIN cpg_categories AS c ON a.category = c.cid WHERE 1 AND p.approved='YES' ORDER BY rand(125255) LIMIT 6

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